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« 過労死と過労自殺の推移  過労死216件で横ばい/過労自殺883件で急増中@『労務事情』2024年12月1日号 | トップページ | 『ジョブ型雇用社会とは何か』8刷 »

2024年12月 1日 (日)






Chapter III Employment relationships disguised as traineeships

Article 4
Measures to combat employment relationships disguised as traineeships
Member States shall provide for effective measures in accordance with national law or practice,
including where appropriate controls and inspections conducted by the competent authorities, to
combat practices where an employment relationship is disguised as a traineeship whereby trainees
are not considered as employees by the traineeship provider but should be, in accordance with the
law, collective agreements or practice in force in the Member State, with consideration to the case
law of the Court of Justice.

Article 5
Assessment of employment relationships disguised as traineeships
1.For the purposes of Article 4, Member States shall ensure that an overall assessment of all
relevant factual elements of the traineeship is performed in accordance with national law or
2.For the purpose of the assessment referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall ensure
that traineeship providers provide, upon request, the competent authorities with the
necessary information, which may include the following:
(a)the number and employment status of trainees and the number of persons in an
employment relationship hosted by that traineeship provider;
(b)the duration of traineeships;
(c)the tasks and responsibilities of trainees and of comparable employees.


(a) the absence of a significant learning or training component in the purported traineeship;
(b) the excessive duration of the purported traineeship or multiple and/or consecutive purported traineeships with the same employer by the same person;
(c) equivalent levels of tasks, responsibilities and intensity of work for purported trainees and regular employees at comparable positions with the same employer;
(d) the requirement for previous work experience for candidates for traineeships in the same or a similar field of activity without appropriate justification;
(e) a high ratio of purported traineeships compared with regular employment relationships with the same employer;
(f) a significant number of purported trainees with the same employer who had completed two or more traineeships or held regular employment relationships in the same

(a) 研修と称するものにおける顕著な学習又は訓練の要素の欠如
(b) 研修と称するもの又は同一使用者との複数若しくは連続的な研修と称するものの長すぎる期間
(c) 研修と称するものと同一使用者と比較可能な地位にある正規雇用被用者の間で課業、責任、労働負荷の水準の同等性
(d) 研修応募者に対し、正当な理由なく同一ないし類似の分野での就労経験を要求すること
(e) 同一使用者の下で正規雇用関係に比して研修と称するものの比率が高すぎること
(f) 同一使用者の下での研修生と称するものの相当数が2以上の研修を修了しているか又は研修と称するものに就く前に同一又は類似の分野での正規雇用関係を有していること





« 過労死と過労自殺の推移  過労死216件で横ばい/過労自殺883件で急増中@『労務事情』2024年12月1日号 | トップページ | 『ジョブ型雇用社会とは何か』8刷 »





« 過労死と過労自殺の推移  過労死216件で横ばい/過労自殺883件で急増中@『労務事情』2024年12月1日号 | トップページ | 『ジョブ型雇用社会とは何か』8刷 »