タイトルが「How was "dura lex" over temp housemaids historically made?」と、一瞬意味不明に突き落とされそうになりますが、これは本文中に、「Dura lex, sed lex」と完全な形ででてきます。一般に「悪法も法なり」と訳されるようですが、厳密には「(これは)厳しい法であるが、それでも法である(だから従わないといけない)」という意味のようです。
Everyone concerned with the trial-judges, the Inspection Office and lawyers-, however, had no issue with a confined scope, "Dura lex, sed lex", save Hamaguchi.
This book gives us a couple of implications. First, social justice more often than not produces newer injustice. Laborer provision business was inhibited according to the Employment Security Act in order to uproot clientelistic business through which employees were exploited. The act was originally planned and issued in light of universal humanism during GHQ's occupation; it had a negative butterfly effect down the road in 2022.
Second, people often forget the origins of laws or social constructions; among them is the Labor Standards Act. We need to invent a way to facilitate both businesspeople and academicians to trace why and how a law has been made.
« 児童労働問題としてのジャニーズスキャンダル | トップページ | ウェーバー歴史観はほんの30年前までは生きていたんだが »
« 児童労働問題としてのジャニーズスキャンダル | トップページ | ウェーバー歴史観はほんの30年前までは生きていたんだが »