例によってソーシャル・ヨーロッパから、ジュリアナ・チュエリの「The populist-radical-right impact on the welfare state」(ポピュリスト急進右翼の福祉国家へのインパクト)。
Radical-right parties are transforming the welfare state, recreating a moral separation between the ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’.
Radical-right parties’ positions may seem incoherent and inconsistent when viewed through the lens of the traditional left-right division on welfare issues. But in a recent study, I write that this is only because it represents a new form of redistributive logic. Populist radical-right parties are developing a dualistic welfare state. This addresses ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ welfare recipients in very different ways, which go far beyond the notion of welfare chauvinism.
For the ‘deserving’ (such as nationals with long employment histories, and pensioners), the populist radical right are defending a protectionist welfare-state logic. For these people, they propose a welfare state based on generous and compensatory policies (pension, child benefits and unemployment benefits).
But the radical right proposes that the ‘undeserving’ (for example, foreigners and nationals seen as not contributing enough to the nation, such as the long-term unemployed) should not have full access to collective resources. Instead, they believe this group should remain subject to state discipline and surveillance. Such people’s access to social benefits should be conditioned by ‘workfare’ policies and the strong policing of welfare abuse. Although not introduced by the populist radical right, this coercive approach to the moral obligation to work fits aptly with its authoritarian rhetoric.
These positions on the welfare state are, moreover, not empty rhetoric. My work finds that radical-right populists do prioritise distributive issues once in power and that they do make a difference. In negotiations, parties push for policy reforms that align with their distributive agenda—and often succeed in influencing policy. ・・・
We should not underestimate the impact of the radical right’s new vision for the European welfare state. Populist radical-right parties are transforming the moral dimension of welfare policies. They assert their agenda on issues previously ‘owned’ by mainstream left-wing parties. They also legitimise the idea that the welfare state should be reserved for the ‘deserving’ few. This contributes to the stigmatisation and ‘othering’ of various social groups.
The new model of the European welfare state suggests that it is not merely legitimate for the state not to address poverty among its population—but that tackling poverty can be morally wrong. Feeding into the moral separation between ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ is the legitimisation of unprecedented inequality—with the blessing of members of the same working class who have historically been supporters of redistribution, and the backing of mainstream parties.
The European welfare state has suffered many shocks since World War II, yet it has remained reluctant to accept high inequality or abject poverty among its population. This era, however, might soon be drawing to an end.
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投稿: 潮流 | 2023年4月24日 (月) 10時40分
投稿: SATO | 2023年4月24日 (月) 17時22分