Are Japanese wages not increasing because of “the misfortunes of virtue”?
英語と中国語で海外に日本の議論を発信する「Discuss Japan — Japan Foreign Policy Forum」というサイトがあります。そこに、『世界』1月号に載せたわたくしの「日本の賃金が上がらないのは『美徳の不幸』ゆえか?」の英文版が掲載されました。
At a time when inflation was the greatest macroeconomic problem in 1970s, the mode of trade unions refraining from wage increase was truly a virtue. But this noble act became the weakness of the trade unions, and the virtue became the “misfortune of virtue.”
The oil crisis success backfired
The cause of “cheap Japan” is criticism of “expensive Japan”
Misconceptions about productivity
So, what to do?
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