EUActivで、「French platform workers elect representatives ahead of ‘social dialogue’」(フランスのプラットフォーム労働者が‘労使対話’に先立って代表を選挙)という記事が載っています。
Delivery workers and drivers of passenger cars working in France are being called on from Monday (9 May) to elect union representatives who will conduct a ‘social dialogue’ with platforms like Uber and Deliveroo to improve their working conditions.
Platform workers have a week – until 16 May – to cast their votes.
“It is a question of setting up a social dialogue between the representatives of the self-employed and the platforms, on the assumption that the current status is maintained, namely the commercial relationship between a platform and the self-employed,” he added.
This “social dialogue” will likely first focus on workers’ pay and the ability of workers to negotiate the price of rides.
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