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« これからのテレワークでの働き方に関する検討会報告書 | トップページ | 『日本労働研究雑誌』2021年1月号(No.726) »

2020年12月27日 (日)

『Japan Labor Issues』2021年1月号

Jli_20201227112201 JILPTの英文誌『Japan Labor Issues』2021年1月号は、JILPT研究員によるコロナ関連の2論文が冒頭に並んでいます。


How Women Bear the Brunt of COVID-19’s Damages on Work  ZHOU Yanfei

Impact of the COVID-19 Recession on Full-Time Workers: Shortened Work Hours, Working from Home, and Possible Widening of Income Disparities TAKAMI Tomohiro 



・・・Indeed, it may no longer be a fantasy to imagine a near future in which the full-time dual earner model replaces the traditional “full-time housewife”-type lifestyle. In this sense, the pandemic has the potential to be an excellent opportunity for closing the employment inequality gap between men and women. 


What Is Shunto OGINO Noboru


 The Law to Prevent “Power Harassment” in Japan OBATA Fumiko (Kyoto University)

Where Does Career Support and Education in Japanese Universities Stand? Erosion by Business, or a New Form of University Education? KOMIKAWA Koichiro (Hosei University)


・・・If this is the case, we must acknowledge that simply bemoaning universities’ blatant lack of initiative, and the “erosion” of university education through utter reliance on the business sector for career support and education, could be called the mere howling of the losing team. Bemoaning the situation alone cannot solve the current problems. Perhaps, having fully grasped the seemingly insurmountable challenges we face, and remaining cognizant of the situation, it is time for us to adopt a positive stance and take positive actions toward shaping the future.




« これからのテレワークでの働き方に関する検討会報告書 | トップページ | 『日本労働研究雑誌』2021年1月号(No.726) »





« これからのテレワークでの働き方に関する検討会報告書 | トップページ | 『日本労働研究雑誌』2021年1月号(No.726) »