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« マクロ世界史の時代区分と日本 | トップページ | 石井知章・及川淳子編『六四と一九八九』または「進歩的」「左派」の「歴史修正主義」 »

2020年1月11日 (土)


Oecdnego なぜかOECD東京センターの日本語ホームページにはまだ載ってないのですが、昨年11月OECDは「Negotiating Our Way Up : Collective Bargaining in a Changing World of Work」という報告書を発表しました。表題は何とも訳しにくいのですが、我々の前途を交渉で高めていこう、みたいな感じでしょうか。副題は文字通りで、変化する労働の世界における団体交渉、ですね。





Co-ordination in wage bargaining is a key ingredient for good labour market performance  

Wage co-ordination across sectors and bargaining units is a particularly important dimension of collective bargaining. Bargaining systems characterised by a high degree of wage co-ordination across bargaining units are associated with higher employment and lower unemployment for all workers, compared to fully decentralised systems. This is because co-ordination helps the social partners to account for the business-cycle situation and the macroeconomic effects of wage agreements on competitiveness. ・・・



Collective bargaining systems and workers’ voice arrangements also matter for job quality 

This publication also explores the link between collective bargaining systems, workers’ voice arrangements, and the non-monetary aspects of job quality. In particular, it analyses social partners’ engagement in occupational safety and health, working time, training and re-skilling policies, management practices, and the prevention of workplace intimidation and discrimination. The quality of the working environment is higher on average in countries with well-organised social partners and a large coverage of collective agreements.  ・・・



Collective bargaining and workers’ voice play an important role in preventing inequalities in a changing world of work, but they need to adapt  

As innovation, globalisation and population ageing transform the world of work, collective bargaining, when it is based on mutual trust between social partners, can provide a means to reach balanced and tailored solutions to issues of common concerns. It can ensure that all workers and companies benefit from the current transformations. ・・・・ 



Making the most of collective bargaining and workers’ voice to address old and new labour market challenges  

This publication argues that, despite undeniable difficulties, collective bargaining and workers’ voice remain important and flexible instruments that should be mobilised to help workers and companies face the transition and ensure an inclusive and prosperous future of work. The need for co-ordination and negotiation mechanisms between employers and workers is heightened in the changing world of work. Whether considering key issues such as wage inequality, job quality, workplace adaptation to the use of new technologies, or support for workers displaced by shifts in industries, collective bargaining and workers’ voice can complement public policies to produce tailored and balanced solutions. The alternatives to collective bargaining are often either state regulation or no bargaining at all, since individual bargaining is not always a realistic option as many employees are not in a situation to effectively negotiate their terms of employment with their employer. ・・・ 




« マクロ世界史の時代区分と日本 | トップページ | 石井知章・及川淳子編『六四と一九八九』または「進歩的」「左派」の「歴史修正主義」 »





« マクロ世界史の時代区分と日本 | トップページ | 石井知章・及川淳子編『六四と一九八九』または「進歩的」「左派」の「歴史修正主義」 »