例によってソーシャル・ヨーロッパから、最近のデンマークの選挙結果を素材にしたシェリ・バーマンさんのエッセイ「ポピュリスト右翼の敗北は必ずしも社会民主主義左翼の勝利にあらず」(A defeat for the populist right isn’t always a win for the social-democratic left)を。
The populist right and the social-democratic left may contest for the support of the popular classes but, Sheri Berman argues, it’s not a simple zero-sum game.
Parties succeed when the issues on which they have an advantage are at the forefront of debate: populists do well when attention is focused on immigration, green parties do well when attention is focused on the environment and social-democratic parties do well when attention is focused on economic issues and, in particular, on the downsides of capitalism and unregulated markets—assuming they have something distinctive and attractive to offer on the economic front. (This has not been the case for many social-democratic parties for too long but many authors at Social Europe are trying to rectify that.)
What the Danish elections should remind us is that politics is largely a struggle over agenda-setting. Defeating populism requires removing the issues on which populism thrives from the forefront of debate. But for the social-democratic left to succeed, it must do more than neutralise the fears populists exploit. It must also focus attention on the myriad economic problems facing our societies—and convince voters it has the best solutions to them.
« 小熊英二『日本社会のしくみ 雇用・教育・福祉の歴史社会学』 | トップページ | 日雇派遣問題への新たな視角 »
受験英語で習った、assuming +that節 ~と仮定して、ではないでしょうか?
・・・ removing the issues on which populism thrives from the forefront of debate.
removing the issues (on which populism thrives)from ~ ではないでしょうか?
投稿: yatsu | 2019年7月16日 (火) 07時59分
投稿: 高原正之 | 2019年7月18日 (木) 15時41分