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« もっと幸せに働こう!@『月刊連合』5月号 | トップページ | 「論争のススメ」に熊沢誠さん登場 »

2018年5月 1日 (火)





Increasing transparency: Providers of online intermediation services must ensure that their terms and conditions for professional users are easily understandable and easily available. This includes setting out in advance the possible reasons why a professional user may be delisted or suspended from a platform. Providers also have to respect a reasonable minimum notice period for implementing changes to the terms and conditions. If a provider of online intermediation services suspends or terminates all or part of what a business user offers, this provider will need to state the reasons for this. In addition, the providers of these services must formulate and publish general policies on (i) what data generated through their services can be accessed, by whom and under what conditions; (ii) how they treat their own goods or services compared to those offered by their professional users; and (iii) how they use contract clauses to demand the most favourable range or price of products and services offered by their professional users (so-called Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) clauses). Finally, both online intermediation services as well as online search engines must set out the general criteria that determine how goods and services are ranked in search results.


Resolving disputes more effectively: Providers ofonline intermediation services are required to set up an internal complaint-handling system. To facilitate out-of-court dispute resolution, all providers of online intermediation services will have to list in their terms and conditions the independent and qualified mediators they are willing to work with in good faith to resolve disputes. The industry will also be encouraged to voluntarily set up specific independent mediators capable of dealing with disputes arising in the context of online intermediation services. Finally, associations representing businesses will be granted the right to bring court proceedings on behalf of businesses to enforce the new transparency and dispute settlement rules.


Setting up an EU Observatory to monitor the impact of the new rules: The Observatory would monitor currentas well as emerging issues and opportunities in the digital economy, with a view to enabling the Commission to follow up on today's legislative proposal if appropriate. Particular attention will be paid to developments in policy and regulatory approaches all over Europe.



« もっと幸せに働こう!@『月刊連合』5月号 | トップページ | 「論争のススメ」に熊沢誠さん登場 »






この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: EUのオンラインプラットフォーム規則案:

« もっと幸せに働こう!@『月刊連合』5月号 | トップページ | 「論争のススメ」に熊沢誠さん登場 »