https://www.socialeurope.eu/bitcoin-not-currency-future (Bitcoin Is Not The Currency Of The Future)
・・・First, as the supply of Bitcoins is fixed asymptotically, its generalized use as a means of payment would lead to permanent deflation (negative inflation). The reason is that the world economy is growing and in need of an increasing supply of money to make growing transactions possible. The only way this can be dealt with in a Bitcoin economy is by declining Bitcoin prices of goods and services, i.e. negative inflation. The quantity theory of money tells us that it could also be dealt with by increasing the velocity with which Bitcoins are used, but there is a limit to that possibility. Thus a Bitcoin economy would face permanent deflation, not a very attractive situation.
・・・ In a Bitcoin economy where prices are declining every year this optimism is negatively affected. Price declines lead consumers to postpone their purchases and investors to postpone their projects. It is a world with less optimism and probably less growth.・・・
・・・There is a second and even more serious reason why Bitcoin is not suitable as a currency. In fact it would be a dangerous currency. If the world turns to Bitcoins, banks will start lending Bitcoins to households and firms in need of credit. But banking is a risky business. The problem is that as the supply of Bitcoins will be fixed, there will be no lender of last (LoLR) support in times of banking crises. And these are certain to occur. Even if the supply of Bitcoins or of other cryptocurrencies could be subjected to a constant Friedman growth rule it would not solve this problem.
・・・In a monetary system where the stock of money is fixed (or growing at a constant rate), there is no such LoLR possible. This leads to the prospect of regular banking crises that will lead to failing banks and further negative domino effects on the economy. This is exactly what we observed during the heydays of the gold standard, which was characterized by frequent banking crises leading to deep recessions and much misery. Again, the Bitcoin standard, like the gold standard, is something of the past, not of the future.
More generally, the problem of a Bitcoin economy is that in times of financial crisis, which one can be sure will arise again, there is a generalized flight into liquidity. That’s when a central bank is needed to provide all the liquidity needed. In its absence, individuals scrambling for liquidity sell assets, leading to asset deflation and insolvency of many. A Bitcoin economy does not have this flexibility and therefore will not withstand financial crises. A Bitcoin economy will not last in a capitalistic system, which regularly generates financial crises.
・・・In fact, the Bitcoin is an archaic currency like gold used to be. Archaic currencies are created by using scarce production factors. Gold had to be digged deep in the ground by using a lot of labor and machinery. Keynes called gold a “barbaric relic”.
The same can be said of Bitcoin. Bitcoins are made (“mined” as it is called in Bitcoin terminology by analogy with gold) by using large amounts of computing power. The computers needed to mine Bitcoins use a lot of electricity and thus large amounts of scarce energy sources (crude oil, coal nuclear energy, renewable energy sources). According to some estimates, the energy needed to produce Bitcoins for one year is equivalent to the energy consumption of a country like Denmark. ・・・
« 平成35年5月16日? | トップページ | 拙著書評@「連鎖堂」 »
> ビットコインなど仮想通貨の技術的基盤であるブロックチェーンについてはその重要性を認めます
個人的には、そんな大層なものか? という感想です。技術そのものに特に新規性はないですね。
P2P と金融の組み合わせ(「フィンテック」なるバズワードがありますが)というのは、あまり相性はよろしくないと思いますけどね。金融というのは何より安定性を求められる分野で、通貨ともなればなおさらでしょうし。
> 法廷不換通貨を邪悪なものとみなす新自由主義のイデオロギー
日本で有名な P2P ソフトといえば Winny ですけど、そのもととなった Freenet というソフトはまさにそうしたイデオロギーをもつソフトですね。新自由主義というよりアナーキズムの方が近いと思いますが。
... Both Freenet and some of its associated tools were originally designed by Ian Clarke, who defined Freenet's goal as providing freedom of speech on the Internet with strong anonymity protection
The distributed data store of Freenet (with same principles as a blockchain) is used by many third-party programs ...
Wikipedia にも言及がありますが、ブロック チェーンもこの Freenet から派生した技術ですね。Winny とは兄弟のようなものです。
投稿: IG | 2018年1月14日 (日) 23時09分
投稿: 通りすがり2号 | 2018年1月15日 (月) 20時00分