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« 元アイドルほか(グループB)事件(東京地判平成28年7月7日) | トップページ | 明治大学労働講座 »

2017年4月22日 (土)


Royo_bio フランス大統領選が明日に迫る今日この頃ですが、ソーシャル・ヨーロッパ・マガジンからセバスチャン・ロヨの「欧州社会民主主義に未来はあるか?」を。まんまタイトル通りですが。


The response to the Great Recession from European social democratic/centre-left parties, with some notable exceptions like Portugal’s, was largely to implement the austerity policies of the right: they bailed out the banks and the bondholders, and they tightened fiscal policies and supported loose monetary ones. The economic and political consequences of these policies have been disastrous, particularly for Southern Europe: they led to brutal recessions that have left many of our countries in shambles, with deepening inequalities, increasing political instability, and a pervasive sense of fear and loss of hope about the future. These have led to the electoral defeats of centre-left parties and fueled the rise of populism all over Europe.


The biggest mistake, of course, was the acceptance and implementation of austerity, which turned social democratic governments into reactionaries. Centre-left politicians, convinced that elections were won from the centre, obsessed with a mission to prove that they could also be fiscally responsible, incapable of joining forces at EU level to counter Germany’s dogmatism, and complacent because they felt that leftist voters had no alternatives, jumped eagerly onto the austerity bandwagon, in some cases even doubling down to prove their bona fides to the markets, with all the consequences our countries will suffer from for years to come.


・・・・・Rather than blindly supporting fiscal austerity and free trade agreements, which have hurt their core traditional constituencies, progressive governments need to find the right mix of monetary and fiscal policies, support public sector investment, and lower taxes to the middle class to encourage greater consumption. They also need to reform their tax and welfare systems to encourage a fairer distribution of wealth and reduce inequality, as well as invest in infrastructure and in their communities; implement industrial policies that help diversify our economies as well as apply labor standards that protect our workers, even if we need to change our trade rules; and enforce financial regulations that prevent the damage caused by short-term capital flows. Finally, they need to rethink how we educate and train our workforce to meet the demands of the future.


And they need to accept that many of the solutions need to be implemented at the European level. The constraints imposed by EU rules are central to understand the predicament of centre-left parties because Eurozone members must abide by a plethora of strict fiscal rules that constrain national policies and have forced centre-left parties to worship at the altar of budgetary restraint and competitiveness to satisfy their Eurozone masters (as well as financial markets), often at the expense of social policies and their citizens’. Right now, for any country to escape the fiscal straitjacket of the Growth & Stability Pact, the only real option is to leave the euro. That is the solution offered by extremist parties. Rather, what we need is more fiscal flexibility and a Eurozone-wide investment plan funded by Eurobonds. While this is now opposed by Germany, centre-left parties need to find a way to come together and counter this rigid stance.


« 元アイドルほか(グループB)事件(東京地判平成28年7月7日) | トップページ | 明治大学労働講座 »







13ページの「グローバルマネー インフレ圧力で瓦解するアベノミクス 」です。



Sweden is once more the EU innovation leader, followed by Denmark, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands.

In selected areas of innovation, the EU leaders are: Sweden – human resources and quality of academic research; Finland – financial framework conditions; Germany – private investment in innovation; Belgium – innovation networks and collaboration; and Ireland – innovation in small and medium-sized companies.

The fastest growing innovators are Latvia, Malta, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK.




2015年におけるドイツの経常収支(GDP比)は8.61%、財政収支(GDP比)は0.70%、純債務(GDP比)は43.7%である。一方ギリシャの経常収支(GDP比)は▲0.05%、財政収支(GDP比)は▲7.27%、純債務(GDP比)は144.2%である(OECD Economic Outlookによる)。


















 そして、財務省が発表した平成27年末 本邦対外資産負債残高 増減要因(試算)によれば、民間を含めた我が国の外貨建て資産は695.7兆円であるのに対し、外貨建て債務は146.8兆円であり、外貨建ての純資産は548.9兆円にも及びます(https://www.mof.go.jp/international_policy/reference/iip/2015_g1.pdf)。










Abenomics and Mugabenomics - throwing out the text books?
Written by a professor of the University of Namibia, ROMAN GRYNBERG

---When an unpopular nonagenarian African dictator does this, it is bluntly called 'printing money' but when respectable democracies do it they call it politely and deceptively 'quantitative easing'. However, it all amounts to the same thing.

---'Abenomics' as it is called is about to take a leaf out of 'Mugabenomics'.

---if the BoJ just increased its purchases of government securities to ¥100 trillion per year then by 2026 the BoJ would own all the nation's debt and hence have 'nationalised' its debt.

---This would mean that the national debt would cease to exist because the BoJ is owned by the government of Japan.

---To bankers, economists or anyone raised on what once passed for sound economics in the 20th century all this sounds like the topsy-turvy world of Alice in economic wonderland. But it has now become the new normal.

---when the government prints all the money needed to buy high levels of government debt, what happens to that money if its not eaten up in higher prices as was the case in Zimbabwe in 2009?

Abenomics and Mugabenomics - throwing out the text books?

The Namibian Newspaper

EVERY first year economics student is taught that if the government prints money through its central bank then this will ultimately result in prices rising i.e. inflation.
If you double the amount of money in circulation in an economy then all that will happen, at least according to the theory, is that prices will double and so if governments try to fund their deficit spending by getting its Central Bank to print money it just ends up in inflation and in the worst cases so-called 'hyper-inflation' as was the case with post-World War I Germany and more recently Zimbabwe up to 2009 which are cited as classic cases of what happens to countries that do not listen to the rules of classical economics.

Many Africans are well aware of the tragedy that befell Zimbabwe when its economy collapsed after 2000 and the government funded its operations by printing money.

In Zimbabwe's peak month of inflation in mid-November 2008 it is estimated inflation was at an incredible 79,6 billion%. In 2009 the joke in Harare was that it was dangerous for pensioners to collect their meagre pensions with a wheelbarrow as they ran the risk of being robbed..of the wheelbarrow as no-one would bother stealing the virtually worthless bank notes.

I have on my wall a Zim$50 trillion note, which was not the largest but at the time of issue in 2008 it was not enough to buy lunch.


But economists blame the printing of money as the cause of both what happened in Zimbabwe and a similar case of hyper-inflation that occurred in Germany at the end of World War I when that country was forced to pay massive war reparations to the other belligerents i.e UK, France and others. Zimbabwe's economic collapse stemmed also from the high costs of the second war in the Congo and the war waged against the white commercial farmers who were the backbone of the old Zimbabwean economy.

Once the maize export sector collapsed along with other agricultural exports such as tobacco (which has now partially recovered) the Zimbabwean economy went into free fall. It was within this context of the Congo war and massive and violent social change that the Zimbabwean hyperinflation can best be understood.

Yet a world away prime minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is faced with a massive economic problem. The Japanese economy remains in many ways the envy of the rest of the world. While Japanese GDP per capita is a relatively lowly US$36 000 in 2014 (ranked 27th richest country) unemployment is around 3% and the country has a balance of payments surplus of 3% of GDP.

So what could possibly be the problem with such an economy? Behind the rosy numbers lies a moribund, aging and static economy and Abe is running a frightening budget deficit of 7% of GDP in 2015 just to keep it where it is.

The national debt of Japan is an incredible 226% of GDP in 2015.

Based on deficit spending alone, the Japanese government makes the old Greek kleptocrats who ran their economy into the ground and helped create the eurozone crisis, look like fiscal conservatives. Despite this, Japan is able to borrow money on the global bond markets for 10-year bonds at the lowest rate (0,3%) in the developed world outside of Switzerland.

So how does Abe intend to deal with Japan's structural deficit and ballooning debt? Last year he tried the conservative approach by raising the country's VAT from a very low 5% to 8% which was supposed to narrow the deficit and provide revenue to pay off the outrageous levels of national debt. Instead, it sent Japan into recession and Abe then quickly abandoned the second tranche of VAT increases which would have seen VAT rise to 10% barely half of what it is in countries like the UK.

Tax increases that would eliminate the deficit are not going to work in Japan this side of an economic crisis and the collapse of the Abe government.


It would now appear that 'Abenomics' as it is called is about to take a leaf out of 'Mugabenomics'.

Even though Abe has not gone to war nor has he implemented policies that obliterate the export sector, he has started printing money in a very big way.

The Bank of Japan (BoJ), following the US and the EU before them, has started buying government debt on the open market with money that did not exist before. The BoJ is just starting up and the rate of purchase of government securities has been at such a rapid pace that the BoJ now owns 32% of the government's debt, up from 23% a year ago.

But the most frightening and interesting possibility is that if the BoJ just increased its purchases of government securities to ¥100 trillion per year then by 2026 the BoJ would own all the nation's debt and hence have 'nationalised' its debt.

This would mean that the national debt would cease to exist because the BoJ is owned by the government of Japan.

To bankers, economists or anyone raised on what once passed for sound economics in the 20th century all this sounds like the topsy-turvy world of Alice in economic wonderland. But it has now become the new normal.

The question is when the government prints all the money needed to buy high levels of government debt, what happens to that money if its not eaten up in higher prices as was the case in Zimbabwe in 2009?

There is almost no inflation in Japan and the opposite, deflation is among that country's main problems.

A large part has gone into many developed countries to stock market purchases by those who have access to bank credit.

Managers of large corporations, who are often partly remunerated on the basis of the value of their company's shares, have been buying significant amounts of assets, often their own company's shares, with debt that is extraordinarily cheap. The moribund Tokyo Stock Exchange, which has not recovered from the crash of the early 1990s, has suddenly shot back to life in the last year with the Nikkei Index rising by 7 % this year - the best performing of the major industrial nations.

When an unpopular nonagenarian African dictator does this, it is bluntly called 'printing money' but when respectable democracies do it they call it politely and deceptively 'quantitative easing'. However, it all amounts to the same thing.

The fact is that after the 2008 global crisis we remain in unchartered economic waters. From Tokyo to Washington to Brussels printing money as a policy instrument has a new lease of life though few honest economists will dare say they know with any certainty that they know the real long-term consequence of this bold experiment being undertaken on the global economy.

* These are the views of Professor Roman Grynberg and not necessarily those of the University of Namibia (Unam) where he is employed.





この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 欧州社会民主主義に未来はあるか?:

« 元アイドルほか(グループB)事件(東京地判平成28年7月7日) | トップページ | 明治大学労働講座 »