英紙ザ・ガーディアンの本日付の記事に、イギリスのキャメロン首相が、EUとの脱退交渉で、労働時間指令や派遣労働指令のような労働社会政策からのオプトアウトを求める予定であると報じています。 to include employment law opt-out in EU membership negotiations)
David Cameron is to make an opt-out from EU employment social protection laws such as the working time directive and the agency workers’ directive one of his goals in his negotiations with Europe, according to reports from Conservative political sources in Brussels.
A demand for Britain to be excluded from employment laws restoring the opt-outs negotiated by John Major and then abandoned by Tony Blair in 1997 would be a high-risk political move, since it would enhance the risk of a large no vote putting Britain’s entire relationship with the EU at risk.
Pro-Europe businesses would have to calculate whether the enhanced risk of a defeat in the referendum would be worth the prize of achieving the opt-outs.・・・
There is already an increasingly Eurosceptic mood in parts of the left due to the imposition of austerity on Greece. But the move would please Conservative Eurosceptics who have been unimpressed by the modesty of Cameron’s demands.
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