クルーグマン on 最低賃金
別段目新しい話でもありませんが、ネット上で威勢の良い特殊日本的な「りふれは」(「リフレ派」ではなく)には最低賃金を目の敵にして、雇用を失わせるに決まっているという方々が多数いることもあり、そういう彼らがなぜか(自分らの政治的立場とは異なるにもかかわらず)引用したがるポール・クルーグマンの昨日のコラム「Liberals and Wages」から、最低賃金に言及した部分を引いておきます。全然目新しい話ではありません。
Meanwhile, our understanding of wage determination has been transformed by an intellectual revolution — that’s not too strong a word — brought on by a series of remarkable studies of what happens when governments change the minimum wage.
More than two decades ago the economists David Card and Alan Krueger realized that when an individual state raises its minimum wage rate, it in effect performs an experiment on the labor market. Better still, it’s an experiment that offers a natural control group: neighboring states that don’t raise their minimum wages. Mr. Card and Mr. Krueger applied their insight by looking at what happened to the fast-food sector — which is where the effects of the minimum wage should be most pronounced — after New Jersey hiked its minimum wage but Pennsylvania did not.
Until the Card-Krueger study, most economists, myself included, assumed that raising the minimum wage would have a clear negative effect on employment. But they found, if anything, a positive effect. Their result has since been confirmed using data from many episodes. There’s just no evidence that raising the minimum wage costs jobs, at least when the starting point is as low as it is in modern America.
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投稿: hamachan | 2015年8月 5日 (水) 00時03分