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« あおかびさんのブクログレビュー | トップページ | しかも、それらに気づかせてくれたのは・・・ »

2012年3月22日 (木)




To make the EU single market work better for workers and for business, the Commission has proposed new rules to increase the protection of workers temporarily posted abroad.


Worker protection and fair competition are the two sides of the EU single market's coin, yet findings suggest that minimum employment and working conditions are often not respected for the one million or so posted workers in the EU. To address the specific issues of abuse where workers do not enjoy their full rights in terms of for example, pay or holidays, especially in the construction sector, the Commission has put forward concrete, practical proposals as part of an enforcement Directive to increase monitoring and compliance and to improve the way existing rules on posted workers are applied in practice. This will ensure a level playing field between the businesses involved, excluding companies that don't follow the rules.


To send a strong message that workers' rights and their freedom to strike are on an equal footing with the freedom to provide services the Commission has also put forward a new regulation that takes on board existing case law. This is especially relevant in the context of cross-border services provision like the posting of workers. The overall aim of both proposals is to boost quality jobs and increase competitiveness in the EU by updating and improving the way the single market works, while safeguarding workers’ rights.


Following the adoption of the legislative package, President Barroso said ". I promised the European Parliament in 2009 that we would clarify the exercise of social rights for the posting of workers. The free provision of services within the internal market represents a major growth opportunity. But the rules need to apply equally to all. This is not always the case for workers posted in another Member  State. Today, the European Commission is taking concrete action to stamp out the unacceptable abuses. We want to ensure that posted workers are treated on an equal footing and enjoy their full social rights across Europe.





The exercise of the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services enshrined in the Treaty shall respect the fundamental right to take collective action, including the right or freedom to strike, and conversely, the exercise of the fundamental right to take collective action, including the right or freedom to strike, shall respect these economic freedoms.




Member States which, in accordance with their national law, tradition or practice, provide for alternative, non-judicial mechanisms to resolve labour disputes, shall provide for equal access to those alternative resolution mechanisms in situations where such disputes originate from the exercise of the right to take collective action, including the right or freedom to strike, in transnational situations or situations having a cross-border character in the context of the exercise of the freedom of establishment or the freedom to provide services, including the application of Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services50.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, management and labour at European level may, acting within the scope of their rights, competences and roles established by the Treaty, conclude agreements at Union level or establish guidelines with respect to the modalities and procedures for mediation, conciliation or other mechanisms for the extrajudicial or out-of-court settlement of disputes resulting from the effective exercise of the right to collective action, including the right or freedom to strike, in transnational situations or situations with a cross-border character.

3. The modalities and procedures for out-of-court settlement may not deprive interested parties from recourse to judicial remedies for their disputes or conflicts if the mechanisms referred to in paragraph 1 fail to lead to a resolution after a reasonable period.

4. Recourse to alternative non-judicial dispute mechanisms shall be without prejudice to the role of national courts in labour disputes in the situations as referred to in paragraph 1, in particular to assess the facts and interpret the national legislation, and, as far as the scope of this Regulation is concerned, to determine whether and to what extent collective action, under the national legislation and collective agreement law applicable to that action, does not go beyond what is necessary to attain the objective(s) pursued, without prejudice to the role and competences of the Court of Justice.

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