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« 「成長」は左派のスローガンなんだが・・・ | トップページ | 山川隆一『労働紛争処理法』 »

2012年1月14日 (土)



http://www.etuc.org/a/9523(New treaty: no to rigid fiscal discipline without sustainable growth)

>The international agreement put in place at the European Council on 9 December 2011 is currently the subject of intense discussion. The objective seems to be to impose even stricter austerity measures without offering any prospects for growth. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) condemns this approach. Fiscal discipline alone, in the absence of recovery and investment measures, is dragging countries into crisis. Employment and social justice are top priority today for millions of Europeans.


>The text currently being circulated does not address the challenges created by the crisis. There is a real risk that a new treaty may further strengthen the obligation of member states to adopt fiscal policies that will accentuate rigid economic rules. A fiscal compact must go hand in hand with a social contract for Europe. It must give priority to investments that promote a sustainable economy, quality jobs and social justice, while combating inequalities.



« 「成長」は左派のスローガンなんだが・・・ | トップページ | 山川隆一『労働紛争処理法』 »






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« 「成長」は左派のスローガンなんだが・・・ | トップページ | 山川隆一『労働紛争処理法』 »