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« 普通の労働者感覚 | トップページ | ひとりごと(他意なし) »

2009年11月23日 (月)


本日、欧州委員会は「雇用白書2009」(2009 Employment in Europe report)を公表しました。


3章立てで、第1章は「経済危機の時代のEU労働市場」(EU labour markets in times of economic crisis.)、第2章は「労働移動、移行、長期失業」(Labour flows, transitions and unemployment duration)、第3章は「気候変動と労働市場への影響」(Climate change and labour market outcomes)となっています。


>Low-carbon policies will significantly change EU employment structures

The EU's moves towards a competitive low-carbon economy will become important driving forces from a labour market perspective. Although the total net job creation effects may not be very large – as creation of new 'green' jobs and greening of existing jobs will partly be offset by loss of some existing jobs – the underlying structural changes will involve re-allocation of workers across economic sectors and skill types.

Climate change and related policy measures will therefore have an important impact on the future demand for skills. The new competencies required by the low-carbon economy will, at least initially, favour high-skilled workers. However, with market deployment of new technologies, lower-skilled workers should also be able to fill the new jobs – provided they receive adequate training. Hence, policy focus on skills - to ease transitions towards new jobs and to limit emergence of skills gaps and shortages – together with adequate social dialogue are the main ingredients needed to facilitate the shift to low-carbon economy..


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