http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/eiro/2009/03/articles/se0903029i.htm(Deadlock in negotiations on new central agreement)
>The main disagreements related to the priority rules and the right to take industrial action. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise wanted to reduce the right to take industrial action and to renegotiate the Employment Protection Act (Lagen om anställningsskydd, LAS, 1982:80 (in Swedish)). However, LO and PTK did not agree with these demands. The LAS includes rules about the ‘order of priority’ in the case of dismissals. The order of priority means that the last person employed in a company should be the first one to lose their job in the event of dismissals. According to the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, these rules are not compatible with the competitive nature of today’s economy. Therefore, the confederation wants to change these rules of priority so that they are based on competences and skills.
しかし、労働市場そのものはスウェーデンの法が遙かに流動的なのですから、 解雇が当局の許可制であるオランダの例も含め、労働市場のあり方を安易に解雇規制の度合いでもって論じようとすることがいかにピントはずれであるかがよく分かるところです。
>According to LO and PTK, changing the priority rules in the case of dismissal would mean abolishing employment protection and would leave it to the employer to decide who should be fired in cases of dismissals.
>The parties to the negotiations also disagreed on restrictions regarding the right to take industrial action. The employers proposed to limit the right to organise industrial action such as sympathy strikes, but the social partners also disagreed on this issue.
Order of priority in connection with termination of employment
Section 22 In the event of notice of termination on the grounds of shortage of work, the employer shall observe the following rules on priority.
Before order of termination is determined, an employer with at most ten employees, irrespective of the number of in the group subject to order of priority rules, may exempt at most two employees who, in the opinion of the employer, are of particular importance for the future activities. When computing the number of employees at the employer, employees referred to in Section 1 are not included. The or those employees who are exempted have priority for continued employment.
Where the employer has several operational units, the order of termination shall be determined separately within each unit. The circumstance alone that one employee has his workplace at his home, does not mean that the workplace comprises a separate operational unit. If the employer is, or is usually, bound by a collective bargaining agreement, a special order of termination shall be established for each agreement sector. Where, under circumstances as mentioned above, there are several production units in the same locality, a single order of termination shall be drawn up for all the units in the locality that fall within the agreement sector of an organisation of employees, provided the organisation makes a request to this effect not later than the time for negotiations under Section 29.
The order of termination for those employees who are not exempted is determined on the basis of each employee's total time of employment with the employer. Employees with longer employment times shall have priority over employees with shorter employment times. In the event of equal employment times, priority shall be given to the older employee. Where it is only possible to offer continued work to an employee with the employer following a re-location of the employee, priority shall be contingent on the employee possessing satisfactory qualifications for the continued work. (SFS 2000:763)
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