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« 「請負」の所管官庁などというものは存在しない | トップページ | ILO条約が日本の労働・雇用法制に与えた影響 »

2009年5月 6日 (水)






• Short time working schemes are useful to keep people in the labour market; their value to workers and to the economy as a whole is substantially enhanced if they are combined with appropriate training and up-skilling. The challenge is to ensure that these schemes do not undermine long-term reform or focus on unsustainable jobs.


• Restructuring can and will continue, but it needs to be better anticipated and managed and have the full involvement of the social partners. Social partners also have an important role to play in helping redundant workers rapidly find a new job.


• A strong priority should be given to rapidly getting into a job the newly unemployed, the long term unemployed and the inactive that are able to work. Early intervention key in this effort. Particular attention is needed for young people - to facilitate their transition into the labour market notably through apprenticeships and the reduction of early school leaving - and for vulnerable groups, immigrants and the low skilled.


• Flexicurity, with its equal and balanced emphasis on flexibility and security, provides the relevant approach for enacting effective anti crisis measures. Making transitions pay is crucial as a complement to policies to making work pay, and public employment services have a key role in this context.


• Mobility is part of the remedy to overcome the crisis but not an end in itself. In this respect, the proper transposition and implementation of the Posted Workers Directive in the Member States should be enhanced.


• Skills are the bridge from today to tomorrow: they offer a short-term answer to the crisis, by increasing both mobility and productivity; and they pave the way to longer term recovery, by contributing to innovation and the greening of the EU economy.


• There is a need for better anticipation of skills needs, and in this context the New Skills for New Jobs initiative is the beginning of a process: efforts should be made to improve the capacity to anticipate skills at EU, Member State and sector level.


• Investment in education and skills is not solely crucial for increasing productivity and competitiveness, but also for reducing social exclusion and promoting equity through more and better jobs.


• Activation should be strengthened, and the EU principles of active inclusion should be pursued. This should be coupled with measures to increase demand, especially for low skilled, including in the social economy.


• Community financial instruments, and in particular the European Social Fund and the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund, should be used in full to promote and enhance the implementation of the three broad policy priorities and specific actions discussed in the workshops.

« 「請負」の所管官庁などというものは存在しない | トップページ | ILO条約が日本の労働・雇用法制に与えた影響 »






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