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« リーガルクエスト労働法 | トップページ | 外国人労働者はバッファー(雇用の調整弁)に過ぎない »

2009年3月21日 (土)





Tackling the social impact of the crisis

19. The rapid increase of unemployment is a cause of great concern. It is important to prevent and limit job losses and negative social impacts. Stimulating employment, in particular by promoting the acquisition of the new skills required by new jobs, is also a priority. Building on solidarity and allowing social protection systems to fully play their role as automatic stabilisers are key to restoring and strengthening confidence and help pave the way for recovery. Mobility has also proven to significantly contribute to economic growth. Particular attention should be given to the most vulnerable and to new risks of exclusion.


20. The Employment Summit to be held in May 2009 will allow for an exchange of experiences on the extent to which the recovery measures taken have succeeded in supporting employment. It will examine in particular issues such as maintaining employment levels through flexicurity and mobility, upgrading skills and anticipating labour market needs, with a view to identifying concrete orientations. It will also be an opportunity to look at strengthening and restructuring the labour market so as to prepare it for the future. The Summit will be prepared in cooperation with all relevant stakeholders, including the social partners.


« リーガルクエスト労働法 | トップページ | 外国人労働者はバッファー(雇用の調整弁)に過ぎない »






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« リーガルクエスト労働法 | トップページ | 外国人労働者はバッファー(雇用の調整弁)に過ぎない »