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« 朝日の耕論 ワーシェア何めざす | トップページ | 「雇い止め」制限検討、有期労働対象のルール作りへ 厚労省 »

2009年2月22日 (日)




In Denmark there is no general statutory prohibition against unfair dismissal. In principle, the employer is free to dismiss an employee.There is protection in the main agreement (“Hovedaftalen”) between the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions (“Landsorganisationen i Danmark”, LO) and the Danish Employers’ Confederation (“Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening”. DA): Dismissal must be fair and notice must be given. In a case of serious misconduct the employer can dismiss without notice. The employer is obliged to justify the dismissal before the employee. However, this is not a condition for the validity of the dismissal. The main remedy against a dismissal is the conciliation procedure. An employee covered by a collective agreement may afterwards apply to the Board of Dismissal (“Afskedigelsesnævnet”). The Board may declare the dismissal unlawful and order the reinstatement of the employee. This applies if the employer is covered by the agreement, irrespective of whether or not the employees are actually members of the union.


The dismissal terminates the employment relationship. However, a Board of Dismissal or Industrial Court may rule that the employee has to be reinstated provided that he or she has lodged a formal request. Otherwise, dismissal will result in financial compensation fixed by the Board or Court.


« 朝日の耕論 ワーシェア何めざす | トップページ | 「雇い止め」制限検討、有期労働対象のルール作りへ 厚労省 »





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« 朝日の耕論 ワーシェア何めざす | トップページ | 「雇い止め」制限検討、有期労働対象のルール作りへ 厚労省 »