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« 個別労働紛争相談は成長産業? | トップページ | EU財団の労使関係ワークショップ »

2008年11月25日 (火)


欧州労連が昨日、「Action for recovery! - A European plan to relaunch the economy」というのを発表しております。




>To ward off the recessionary tide that is sweeping in and to avoid the economic depression from becoming entrenched, European policymakers need to invest in:

people and productivity to keep the economy going in the very short term. A rapid and massive deployment of labour market policies aimed at getting money to those who need it most, while also providing more security to workers. From January 2009, each Member State should invest an additional 1% of GDP in order to strengthen unemployment benefit systems, provide training and lifelong learning and to set up social economy employment programmes;

innovation and the environment to climb out of the crisis.


>Each Member State should prepare an investment package worth 1% of GDP – such a package should kick in no later than mid 2009. Priority should be given to those areas of investment that also strengthen the long-term potential of the economy, for instance sustainable development, social housing and European networks.





>increasing security for the most flexible workers – The crisis once again reveals that labour markets in Europe are already highly flexible: from the moment the economic activity stalls, this is immediately followed by a massive restructuring of employment. However, the security dimension is lacking. In particular, workers with short-term employment contracts, such as agency workers and fixed-term workers, are being severely hit by the economic slowdown. At the same time, workers on such contracts tend not to benefit of full social security rights and only have little access to company training measures. It is only fair that these workers would be compensated for the huge flexibility they are showing by giving them additional unemployment benefits in the form of a one-off payment. This can also be considered to be an ‘employment’ bonus which the unemployed people concerned could use to finance their search for a new job;



>supporting internal flexicurity – By keeping existing workers engaged during the downturn, internal flexicurity provides businesses the benefit of disposing of skilled and trained workers when the next upturn arrives. These models of internal flexicurity are promoted, on the one hand, by robust job protection systems and, on the other hand, by social security financing ‘technical’ unemployment. In this case, workers keep the job and work part of the time with part-time wages being topped up by unemployment benefits. Member States wishing to do so can devote (part of) the 1% of labour market policy investment aimed at developing or strengthening internal flexicurity.



>To take out additional guarantee against deflation and to prevent the domino of close to zero wage growth from falling, the Commission should base itself on this European integrated guideline in order to propose a new policy process. Member States, together with the national social partners, should be invited to formulate policies establishing or strengthening a downwards floor in wage developments of at least 2% in all Member States.


« 個別労働紛争相談は成長産業? | トップページ | EU財団の労使関係ワークショップ »






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« 個別労働紛争相談は成長産業? | トップページ | EU財団の労使関係ワークショップ »