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« 適切な定年退職 | トップページ | 職能資格制は海軍兵学校が源流? »

2008年11月 7日 (金)




>Deep structural reform of the financial architecture: The financial sector is too important to be left to myopic bankers and greedy hedge fund managers. Instead of technical and piecemeal adjustments, we need reforms which fundamentally change the structure and the incentives of the financial architecture:



>A European Ratings Agency – Rating agencies, mainly based in the US, have played a key role in constructing the ‘borrow to speculate’ model and distributing ‘US-toxic’ assets throughout the world. A European Ratings Agency, not dependent on the banks for its funds, is necessary to ensure that this does not happen again.


>Do not let the real economy down: The crisis in the real economy risks to deepen the financial crisis and to turn disinflation into a deflationary trap. Policymakers urgently need to address the recessionary tide that is rolling into Europe:


>Ensure workers get a fair deal: Whereas financial deregulation is the facilitator of the ‘borrowing to speculate’ model, the underlying fundamental driver is the weakening of the position of labour in many countries over many years: inequalities have grown, economic progress failed to translate into real wage increases for everyone, precarious work and poverty wages are spreading. To sustain demand and growth in such a context, policy has resorted to ‘bubble-driven consumption’, thereby triggering exuberant asset price booms while pushing households into excessive debt.

This model can no longer work. ‘Speculation and bubble-driven growth’ have caused this mess. Fair wages and good jobs now need to become the new drivers of demand and growth:



« 適切な定年退職 | トップページ | 職能資格制は海軍兵学校が源流? »






この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: 欧州労連「金融機構に構造改革を!」:

« 適切な定年退職 | トップページ | 職能資格制は海軍兵学校が源流? »