Crisis likely to bolster far right in EU parliament
>Extreme right parties, from anti-immigrant and xenophobic populists to outright neo-fascists, are almost certain to increase their presence in the European Parliament after the 2009 elections unless the European Union and mainstream parties wake up to the threat and take action, long-time monitors of far right activities are warning.
ヨーロッパの右翼を、この記事は筋金入りの「Fascist Right」と移民出て行け福祉は俺たちのものだの「Fascist Lite」に分けています。Liteって、むかしのたばこの名前みたいですが、LeftとRightの中間という意味なんでしょうか。景気が悪化して失業率が高まってくると、あいつら移民どもがいやがるから俺たちはまともな仕事に就けないんだという(たとえそれが事実に反するスケープゴートに過ぎないとしても)不平不満が溜まってくるのは当然の摂理というものです。
>"With the global financial crisis, and the growing unemployment, this disaffection will only grow," he told EUobserver. "They will begin to look for scapegoats for the crisis and look outside the mainstream, but these groups will deliver nothing but chaos."
>Mr Atkinson has strong words for the social democratic parties as well when he explains why this is happening.
"The mainstream left bears a responsibility for this as it's moved right to the centre, moving away from their natural constituency of working people. These people, who are disillusioned, disenchanted, abandon their traditional allegiance to the social democratic or even communist parties and vote for these vehicles of protest with their easy answers about Muslims, Roma or immigrants."
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