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« セックス格差社会 | トップページ | 『世界』12月号 »

2008年11月 9日 (日)


下のエントリーのついでにEUにおける状況を見ておきましょう。ちょうどこれにぴったりの研究があります。EU財団の「Liability in subcontracting processes in the European construction sector」というものです。



The liability provisions concerning subcontracting also include the client in Finland and France. In Finland – in the case of building activities – the liability provisions of the Liability Act and the Penal Code also apply to clients acting as builders. In Germany, the liability for tax also applies to the client, except where it is the building owner. In Italy, the liability for wages and social security contributions – in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 276/2003 – applies to the client with regard to the contractor and any subcontractors. In the Netherlands, the liability rules for social security contributions and wage tax under the WKA do not apply to the client. However, a specific type of client is considered equivalent to a principal contractor: the so-called ‘self-constructor’ (eigen-bouwer). A characteristic feature of the ‘selfconstructor’
is that the realisation of the subcontracted work belongs to its ordinary course of business, so that it could have carried out the work itself. A ‘self-constructor’ is, for instance, a manufacturer that subcontracts a part of the manufacturing process to another company. In this case, the manufacturer is considered to be both the client and the principal contractor.



« セックス格差社会 | トップページ | 『世界』12月号 »






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« セックス格差社会 | トップページ | 『世界』12月号 »