>The European Parliament (EP) voted yesterday with a large majority, including votes from the European People’s Party (EPP), a report drafted by Jan Andersson (European Socialist Party) on challenges to collective agreements in the European Union. With this own initiative report, the EP expresses deep concerns about the rulings of the European Court of Justice in the Viking, Laval, Rüffert and Commission versus Luxembourg cases.
The EP underlines that economic freedoms, such as the freedom to provide services, are not superior to fundamental rights, such as the right of trade unions to take collective action. Furthermore, it emphasises in particular the right of the social partners to ensure non-discrimination, equal treatment, and the improvement of living and working conditions of workers. The EP therefore calls on the Commission to prepare the necessary legislative proposals which would assist in preventing conflicting interpretation in the future. A partial review of the Posted Workers Directive could be envisaged, after thorough analysis of its current impact in Member States.
The EP also calls for a re-assertion in primary law of the balance between fundamental rights and economic freedoms, in order to help avoiding a race to lower social standards. In particular, the exercise of fundamental rights as recognised by the Member States and the Charter of Fundamental Rights should not be put at risk.
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別件: しかし株暴落、景気悪化の08年はどうなるか。第一生命経済研究所の新家義貴主任エコノミストは、こう読む。
投稿: curonikeru | 2008年10月24日 (金) 05時21分