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« サルコジの規制資本主義論 | トップページ | ガラパゴス異聞 »

2008年9月26日 (金)





はじめの方にずらずらと「having regard to」とか「whereas」とか並んでいますが、その後が本文です。



>3. Points out that there are still Member States in the EU-27 which do not have schemes providing for minimum wages as a default in place;


>4. Agrees with the Commission that social assistance levels are already below the at-risk-of poverty line in most Member States; insists that the central objective of income support schemes must be to lift people out of poverty and enable them to live in dignity;


>5. Calls on the Council to agree on an EU target for minimum income schemes and contributory replacement income schemes of providing income support of at least 60 % of national median equalised income and on a timetable as to when this target shall be
achieved by all Member States;


>7. Calls on the Council to agree on an EU target for minimum wages (statutory, collective agreements at national, regional or sectoral levels) to provide for a remuneration of at least 60 % of the respective (national, sectoral etc.) average wage and on a timetable for when that target is to be achieved in all Member States;



>9. Highlights the importance of an holistic approach on child well-being based on a child rights centred perspective framed by the UNCRC supporting adequate incomes for families, adequate housing for children and families, accessibility of high quality health and social services and education;

10. Draws attention to the following different dimensions of a holistic approach:

(a) recognising that children and young people are citizens and independent holders of rights as well as being part of a family;

(b) ensuring that children grow up in families with sufficient resources to meet all aspects of their emotional, social, physical and cognitive needs;

(c) providing access to services and opportunities that are necessary for all children to enhance their present and future wellbeing, enabling them to reach their full potential and to prevent vulnerable situations;

(d) allowing children to participate in society, including in the decisions that directly affect their lives as well as in social, recreational, sporting and cultural life;


>11. Calls on the Commission to consider child poverty and social exclusion in a broader
context of EU policy making including issues such as immigration, discrimination, gender
equality, active inclusion, early-years care and education, life-long learning and the
reconciliation of work and non-work life;

12. Urges the Member States to reduce child poverty by 50 % by 2012 as a first commitment towards the eradication of child poverty in the EU;



>13. Agrees with the Commission that employment per se is not always a guarantee against poverty and social exclusion, as according to official statistics 8 % of workers in the EU are at risk of poverty;


>15. Considers that ‘make-work-pay’ policies should address the problem of the low-pay trap and the low-pay/no-pay cycle at the lower end of the labour market whereby individuals move between insecure, low-paid, low-quality, low-productivity jobs and unemployment and/or inactivity; stresses that higher levels and duration of unemployment and social benefits should be addressed as a matter of priority;


>16. Calls on the Member States to phase out ‘activation policies’ that are based on too restrictive eligibility and conditionality rules for benefit recipients, force people into lowquality jobs that do not pay for a decent living standard nor lead to social inclusion;


17. Highlights the Council’s position that active labour market policies should promote ‘good work’ and upward social mobility and provide stepping stones towards regular, gainful and legally secure employment with adequate social protection, decent working conditions and remuneration;



>20. Calls on the Council to agree an EU-wide commitment to end street homelessness by 2015 and the provision by Member States of integrated policies to ensure decent housing for all; urges Member States to devise ‘winter emergency plans’ as part of a wider homelessness strategy;



>19. Urges the Member States to provide for social default tariffs for vulnerable groups (e.g. in the fields of energy and public transport) in order to promote active inclusion;



« サルコジの規制資本主義論 | トップページ | ガラパゴス異聞 »






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