>The Council has reached political agreement on a directive Council amending Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain aspects of the organisation of working time.
The Council instructed the Permanent Representatives Committee to finalise the text with a view to the formal adoption of a Common Position as an "A" item at a forthcoming Council session.
Directive 2003/88/CE establishes minimum requirements concerning the organisation of working time, in particular in respect of daily and weekly rest periods, breaks, maximum weekly working time, annual leave and certain aspects of night work, shift work and patterns of work.
The key issues [still to be resolved] resolved by the Council relate to the so-called "opt-out clause",i.e. the possibility of not applying the maximum weekly working time (48 hours) if the worker agrees to work longer hours.
The compromise text provides for the possibility of the opt-out clause, accompanied by a number of conditions in order to guarantee the protection of health and safety of workers.
The success of the Slovenian Presidency builds on the work of six previous presidencies and is part of an overall package which includes the temporary workers file, also discussed today.
The directive is to be adopted under the co-decision procedure with the European Parliament.
The European Parliament delivered its first-reading opinion on 11 May 2005 (8725/05) and the Commission its amended proposal on 31 May 2005 (9554/05).
>The Council has reached political agreement on a common position on the draft Directive on temporary agency work with a view to formal adoption of the directive following legal and linguistic verification of the text by the Council and the European Parliament.
The agreement was accompanied by a number of statements to be included in the Council minutes.
The core element of the compromise is a balance between ensuring the protection of temporary agency workers and, at the same time, allowing sufficient flexibility in labour markets which indeed have very different traditions of concluding agreements between the social partners.
The main element resolved by the Council concerned the principle of equal treatment, possible exceptions to that principle and the maximum length of assignments to which such exceptions can apply.
The Council's debate was based on a text resulting from the discussions in the preparatory bodies and which is part of an overall package including the working time file, also on the agenda of today's Council meeting.
The directive is to be adopted under the co-decision procedure with the European Parliament.
The European Parliament delivered its first-reading opinion on 21 November 2002 (14331/02).
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