>The General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) today concluded, after intensive contacts with both BusinessEurope and the European Commission on the question of the revision of the European Works Council Directive, that it is not practical for negotiations to commence within the framework of the social dialogue.
This is because there would be insufficient time for both negotiations and for the issue to be dealt with in the lifetime of this Commission and Parliament. Furthermore, it has not been possible to identify a realistic basis for agreement on certain key issues on which there have been, and are, fundamental differences with BusinessEurope. For these reasons, social dialogue talks in the current circumstances are impracticable.
Said General Secretary John Monks: “The ETUC prefers to try to resolve problems through the social dialogue, but given the time constraints and the depth of differences with the employers over European Works Councils, it is not practical to expect talks to succeed in a short period. We are therefore calling on the Commission to follow up its consultation document and act decisively both to strengthen European Works Councils and worker and union participation. We are also calling on the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers to support our position.”
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