>'Flexicurity' strikes a balance between flexibility and security on the labour market. It aims at ensuring that all citizens can enjoy a high level of employment security i.e. that they can easily find a good job at every stage of their active life. It helps employees and employers alike to seize the opportunities globalisation offers. After the agreement reached between the social partners, the European Council is invited to endorse the Commission's proposal forcommon principles on 'flexicurity'. Member States should now implement them, tailoring them to their own specific situations.
>Reinforced efforts to fight poverty and social exclusion and integrate people at the margins, in particular through active inclusion policies, are crucial. Reducing poverty is at the heart of the renewed Lisbon Strategy through its emphasis on growth and jobs and implementing measures which invest in people's capacities, provide equal opportunities, adequate social protection and the provision of good quality jobs. Support for low-skilled workers, migrants and disabled people needs to be reinforced, notably by fostering skills development.
>Investing more in education and skills throughout people's lives is not only critical to Europe's success in the age of globalisation, it is also one of the most effective ways to fight inequality and poverty.
>Ensuring that qualifications learnt on the jobs are recognised across Europe will greatly increase the incentives for people to go on acquiring new skills throughout their working
>Skills development and life-long learning support 'flexicurity' policies by enhancing flexibility, employment security and mobility between jobs.
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