>1. Article 49 EC and Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services are to be interpreted as precluding a trade union, in a Member State in which the terms and conditions of employment covering the matters referred to in Article 3(1), first subparagraph, (a) to (g) of that directive are contained in legislative provisions, save for minimum rates of pay, from attempting, by means of collective action in the form of a blockade (‘blockad’) of sites such as that at issue in the main proceedings, to force a provider of services established in another Member State to enter into negotiations with it on the rates of pay for posted workers and to sign a collective agreement the terms of which lay down, as regards some of those matters, more favourable conditions than those resulting from the relevant legislative provisions, while other terms relate to matters not referred to in Article 3 of the directive.
2. Where there is a prohibition in a Member State against trade unions undertaking collective action with the aim of having a collective agreement between other parties set aside or amended, Articles 49 EC and 50 EC preclude that prohibition from being subject to the condition that such action must relate to terms and conditions of employment to which the national law applies directly.
>The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) expressed its disappointment at an unexpected decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and its concern at the implications of the case for the Swedish (and certain other Nordic countries) systems of collective bargaining.
>PES President Poul Nyrup Rasmussen today expressed his deep frustration at the ruling of the European Court creating doubts about the right of Swedish trade unions to take action to force a foreign company to observe pay deals reached through collective bargaining.
>“This is not a ruling for a Social Europe, this is a foggy day which could provide cover for bad employers and wage cutters. The message it risks sending to citizens is that Europe is more interested in competition between workers than in raising living standards for all families. ”
>“Sweden is a model of cooperation between trade unions and employers, and this is one of the reasons it is among the most competitive economies in the world. I am at a total loss to understand why the European Court would create uncertainty and put the hugely successful Swedish collective bargaining system at risk.”
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